Saturday, November 28, 2009

Analysis of Long-Range Plan

The state of Texas has mandated that all teachers must master the SBEC technology applications objectives. School Districts must offer staff development that allow teachers opportunities to master these objectives. We as educators, must be able to prepare our students for their futures, futures that are going to be increasingly global and based in technology. We need to prepare our students to be flexible, dynamic, and lifelong learners. Our students are "digital natives", that is they have been born into a world of technology. We must use technology to make learning engaging, interactive, and most of all differentiated for each learner.

Teachers report that they are using increasingly using technology in their lessons. They also report that barriers to incorporating more technology are time and skills. Teachers would like to see more time for planning and collaborating, and also more time for staff development opportunities that will advance their technology skills.

Our students deserve to learn in engaging and meaningful ways that meet the needs of each student. Teachers need to prepare their students to “live, think, and communicate in the 21st century". Teachers need to extend the classroom beyond the 4 walls of the classroom.

Administrators of schools must have a vision for their school that encourages the integration of technology into the classroom. Adminstrators must foster a culture in which teachers feel that they are safe to take risks. Administrators must allocate the necessary resources (money, time, staff development) for technology.

“Texas students deserve and need fully integrated access to technology in order to gain the skills that they need to learn and work in the 21st Century.” In order for this to happen, we need to be sure that every student has access to technology. The state must ensure that the necessary infrastructure is in place for every student.

As a leader in my school, I must model the use of technology. It is not enough that I ask the teachers in my school to integrate technology, the teachers must see that I use it as well. I must "put the money where my mouth is"; that is I must give the teachers the resources that they need to easily integrate technology. I must allocate money for resources (computers, programs, etc), time for planning and collaboration, and staff development opportunities. I need to stay current on the trends. I need to talk to the students - they are the experts in technology.

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