Sunday, November 22, 2009

Technology Assessment

As part of the EDLD 5352 class, I have had to assess my technology level. As I had thought, I am not that proficient in technology. I am familiar with and use the basics of technology on a daily basis. That is I can create a basic document in word, excel, or powerpoint (but basic is about it) and I can find what I need (usually) on the Internet. However, that is about it. I do not know how to create a document that uses multimedia aspects (ie, a document that contains video, sound, etc). I do integrate the technology that "I" know into my classroom, but I only know and am comforable with the basics, where my students know and are comfortable using so much more.

After completing the assessments, I determined (what I already knew) that I am not much of a technology leader on my campus. My strengths in technology are that I do use what I know, and I am willing to learn (and use) new things. I have no problem attending staff development opportunities to broaden my skills. I am also open to learning from my students. My weakness is that I only know the basics of the most basic programs.

The Technology Applications Inventory indicated that I am proficient in the foundations (however, there is still room for improvement). In Information Acquisition and Solving Problems with Technology Tools I am on my way to becoming proficient, but I still have a long road to travel (50% yes / no responses). The Communication Domain is my downfall (1 yes / 11 no's). I need to find and attend professional development opportunities to attend in order to become more proficient.

The SETDA Teacher Survey indicated that I no-intermediate skills on technology in which my students have excellent skills. I use the technology that is available in which I feel comfortable using. My campus has made a huge push to incorporate technology into our students daily learning (almost every classroom has a smartboard) however, I feel that I have alot to learn in order to be able to use the available technology proficiently.

After evaluating the results of my technology assessments, I feel that I can benefit from any and all technology development opportunities that I can. In order to be an effective campus leader, I need to be able to "walk the talk"; that is, if I will expect my teachers to be proficient in the use of available technology, that I need to be proficient in the available technology as well.

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